studio magik

well where to start, what a year, so many highs and lows, and thats not including the murder charge aquittal, oh wait sorry thats my end of year speech for the North West Wakefield Rotary Club.

ok, imp, here we go.

well where to start, what a year so far, so many lows, and thats not including the murder charge.

but if my mate's brother can get to that witness the rotary club should have some more positive material at their end of year dinner.

so if my memory serves me well, like the rotary club serves Mirin Glazed Salmon, the last time we spoke, like properly spoke, not some perfunctory grunt at say, the rotary club's mid season ball, we were playing Beacons and climbing a hill? yeh we were climbing hills and playing shows. now we're recording albums and waiting for renewed rotary club memberships.

this mike waiting for his renewal and water. ill tell you now, he wont fucking get it, either. this is also generally how mike records his bass lines.

I prefer to do my waiting on the continent so here I am, waiting on the continent.

about half 6

 so we got down to recording the album, things didnt go according to plan, like when the keyboard started smoking, picked up a filthy habit she did. but shes been through worse. like when she snorted her dads ashes and puked gold or when she was doused in vodka and smashed on the floor, disected and assembled in strange ways like some freak C3PO frankenstein bitch. but dispite her ungodly yet satisfactory recovery, unfortunatly the decision was taken to hire a new gun to the outfit........... well as a new gun we bought this keyboard straight from west germany.

''im not an axe im a guitar''
and this axe from Illinois, home of Ohio and 7 other American States.

as you can see by this silver box and those two golds things; we did eventually make it into the studio

''come ere, fucking get ere''

and when we got there, Slater, one of the producers proceeded to show us how he would ''fuck'' our album should we not adhere to his draconian ways

just 3 goodtime guys looking for a decent domain name

so then we took a break from recording to concentrate on waiting for our Rotary Club membership renewals. equally as important, we also had to finish writing the album.  unlike the renewals, the album arrived very quickly.


with the help of some studio magic we managed to finish the album. here is a clip of one of the songs. basically what we brought to the table was an idea for a burgeoning riffpop track. we had a few ideas on how we would record it but we decided to go down the experimental route. what we did was use 3 directional mics to capture us rapidly crumpling a blank piece of paper and then with said touch of magic, and yes, ok, one or two re-takes, this is how it sounds now

get down?

get down

bath time

''Don't forget who you are''
Oprah Winfrey

next time, we answer 3 or 4 phone calls